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About the Research

What is the purpose of the project?


AI has global impact and significance even since the early days of Starkey.   In the arena of education, research has shown that AI has been utilised for over 30 years undergoing several iterations and paradigm shifts with an objective of offering more adaptive, personalised learning opportunities. 


With AI’s proliferation as an industry worth over $1billion, comes issues of risk and bias with just as many voices drawing attention to its dangers and apparently unforeseen consequences. 


The results of research from users within education, creative or filmmaking education and filmmaking production indicate that the uses of AI tools in practice have many benefits with the result of increased productivity and innovation.


This research proposal intends to take the research further to respond to research gaps regarding the psychological, social and cultural impact of the use of AI in filmmaking education and production.


This pilot study to which you are being invited will take place over a period of twelve weeks with no more than three weeks of your involvement.


Why have I been invited?


You have been invited because you are a young person aged between 16 and 19 years interested in filmmaking education. 

This study is a plot study and will be made up of up to ten young people including yourself.


What would taking part involve?


During the study you will undergo filmmaking training through our normal filming training process with the production of a film at the end learning the skills required to make a film.


On completion you will undergo a second filmmaking training programme where you will be using AI tools in the training and production of your film.


I am interested in finding out how you respond in each case to the filmmaking training and production process:  If the responses and interactions are the same or different. 


This information will help inform the design of a larger study during the course of my doctorate and help to provide information on how AI is used in filmmaking education and production in the future.


None of your personal data such as your name, date of birth, gender which is present in your registration form will be made public. This information will only be used by myself in analysing the responses received for the research.


Your images, video and responses to the research questions will be made publicly available as part of the research and will be used in conferences, the research paper and publications.



7th to 11th April 2025:  Normal Filmmaking Course

14th to 18th April 2025: AI Filmmaking Course

10am to 4pm Daily

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